Heroes of Olympus

Now in my first post i will tell about the last book series that i've finished recently wich is the "Heroes of Olympus" by Rick Riordan and this books are the third series that written by Rick after "Percy Jackson and the Olympians" and "Kane Chronicles" series. The series is related to the Percy Jackson series but in the book one the main character is not Percy jackson but Jason Grace. The story is about Jason who lost his memories because of Hera or Juno (the queen of Greek God) who steal his memories for her purpose for saving the world from Gaea (The primordial goddess of earth) that try to wake up and after she wake up she will destroy the universe and make the world just like she wants. This book will bring you to the world of Greek god and demigods and also will give you a lot of knowledge about Greek and Romans history and Mythology in very interesting and fun way. If in the book one the main heroes is Jason Grace, the second book's main heroes is back again to Percy jackson and also with his memories got stolen by Hera in order to complished her mission. By reading this book i have a lot of fun and konwledge of romans and Greeks Mythological. For the rest volumes of this books Percy and jason are allready in the same team to complete the prophecy and save the world from Gaaea and her underlings that trying to destroy the world.


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