Stranger Things S3

Focusing in the time after the "Shadow Monster" already out from Will's body and the portal to upside down world is already successfully closed by Eleven. In this season the story is adding more romance into the series, almost of the gang already become couple for now Mike is now going out with Eleven, Lucas with Max, and Dustin is now back after he's away to the camp and he said that he's no dating a very beautiful yet smart girl named suzy, and Will is the only one left without couple, bad luck Will.

The adventure begin when Dustin is trying to show all his friends his new girlfriend by contacting her trough his new radio but unfortunately suzy didn't answer the call and instead Dustin are getting the secret Russian code that he believe is a secret code to something happen in Hawkins, and yea this "Russian" are doing something with the portal and try to release the upside down world once again.

This season are filled with romance, but the friendships value is not forgotten. During this season the thrill is also can be feel by us and as always this series is still provide us a lot interesting actions.


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